• Hoe anderen het ervaren hebben

  • Hoe anderen het ervaren hebben

Beste Anna, ik wil je bedanken voor wat je voor mij hebt gedaan. Er zijn heel veel dingen veranderd in mij: Ik kan mijn voeten aanraken en masseren (wat ik nooit in mijn leven had gekund) Het taaie slijm in mijn keel is WEG. Ik ben veel rustiger geworden en ik kan beter “loslaten”; vooral in relatie tot mijn zoon. Ik heb weer auto gereden in Frankrijk en ik heb er veel van genoten (Ik had het 25 jaar niet meer gedaan). Nou dat zijn concrete dingen die veranderd zijn, maar er is meer wat ik niet precies kan benoemen. Dus een grote BEDANKT.

Anna heeft me geholpen weer tot mijn kern te komen. Ik had al jarenlang constant last van stress en na het overlijden van mijn moeder voelde ik me van binnen onrustiger dan ooit. Ik was energieloos en zat vast in de chaos van mijn gedachten. Anna heeft met haar behandeling geholpen om de rust in mezelf terug te vinden, me te gronden, meer te voelen en minder te piekeren. Ik ben op een ongelofelijke positieve manier veranderd en durf weer op mijn eigen kracht te vertrouwen. Anna is erg aardig en empatisch. Mede dankzij onze gesprekken heb ik ook heel veel mooie inzichten gekregen. DankjewelđŸ™đŸ»â€ïž

Enkele maanden geleden kreeg ik een constante zeurderige pijn in mijn onderrug, voelde druk in mijn voorhoofd en was al moe als ik ‘s ochtends opstond. Energetisch therapeut Anna heeft mij op afstand behandeld en binnen enkele dagen verdween de pijn en druk. Na een week was ook mijn vermoeidheid verdwenen en voelde ik me weer fit zoals vanouds.  Zowel de behandeling zelf als de gesprekken met Anna voor en na de behandeling hebben zeker bijgedragen dat ik me nu veel beter voel en lekkerder in mijn vel zit. Opvallend vond ik dat Anna na de behandeling precies aan kon geven wat mij mankeerde en wat ik verder zelf nog kon doen om mijn gezondheid te verbeteren. Kortom, een hele mooie vorm van healing.

Bij Anna voel je je meteen op je gemak en veilig. Zij kan zich zonder oordeel in jou verplaatsen. Na jaren last gehad te hebben van krampen in mijn ledematen, vooral ’s nachts, kwam ik terecht bij Anna. Op dat moment had ik veel last van stress en zorgen.  Tijdens haar behandeling kreeg ik inzichten in mezelf  die me erg hebben geholpen. Ik ervaar nu veel meer rust en balans. En de krampen? Er zijn nu 4 maanden verstreken en ik heb er geen last meer van. Dankjewel,

Anna, ik wilde je even laten weten dat ik momenteel een andere man thuis heb sinds jouw behandeling. Hij is veel opgewekter, minder gestressed. Hij neemt ook meer tijd om met de kids te spelen. Ben er heel erg blij mee. Bedankt Anna.

Het gaat weer goed met mijn moeder! Ik zie haar eindelijk weer lachten.  Ze was de laatste jaren zo neerslachtig, niet meer blij, niet meer weten wat ze eigenlijk wil. Een beetje op een dood spoor terecht gekomen. Na jou behandeling is ze zo veranderd. Volgens mij heeft ze het zelf allemaal niet zo door maar ik zie de verschillen wel.

I met Anna thanks to a friend. I fully trusted Anna who works wonders with her energy. This meeting changed my life. I found out that the distance (online healing) between Anna and me does not affect the quality of the healing.

After the healing session I quit taking my medications for depression. Not that Anna suggested to do so, no not at all, but I felt so strong and absolutely convinced that I would not need to take them anymore.

it is incredible but I did not regret this decision, not even for a moment. It was so natural not to take them anymore.

After a year I had a relapse. I wanted to take a medicine to make it easier. I booked a session with Anna. Thanks to her I never came back to medicines. It is 5 months now from that moment and I feel just an immense happiness and gratefulness that I do not take them anymore.

2 Months ago, my dad unexpectedly felt ill seriously. I asked Anna for support for him and for me during this difficult time. The doctors were amazed about the behavior of my dying, suffering dad. I know that for him, that sessions supported him to leave calmly and with dignity and for me it was an experience of enormous love I never felt before.

My father’s death was a very intense experience for me and my family. Anna gave me strength to support my family and really.

Thank you Anna.

It would be easier to write a book or a song about Anna, but it has to be a short note only, so I will try.

Before our roads crossed, I was living a totally different life than now.

From a certain point of view, I felt lucky. I had everything: loving husband, 2 great kids, enough money and I knew that a lot of people would love to be in my safe place. They couldn’t know how I really felt. We are so used to put a mask on our face. We are not doing it to cheat someone, we are cheating ourselves.

Every morning I was waking up with an unknown stress in my stomach. I even got used to it, but sometimes it was really a piercing feeling. I suffered regular headaches and infections of my throat.

My kids were often slightly sick as well, but doctors considered it as normal. In my daily life I was doing my best to smile, to keep my relations nice, play with my kids and be funny. I usually managed to do so, as I badly needed confirmation of my worth from other people.

The only problem was that it took me a lot of effort. Sometimes when I was alone, I was not able to move myself from the sofa; I was tired without reason. I was feeling absolutely empty, no energy at all. I couldn’t find a sense of live. Compulsive eating seemed my solution to not to concentrate too much at the paradoxical sense of a wasted life and to cut of the upcoming waves of negative emotions. But it didn’t always work. I remember how guilty I felt when I couldn’t control another burst of emotions, especially if my children suffered from it. When this deeply hidden anger, fear and emptiness poured out of me I used to blame them. Somebody can call it discipline, but it is pouring poison onto the defenseless.

In this world it seams natural to have this kind of explosions. All of my friends used to have them, my mum had them too. Our world is full of aggression, on tv, news, in chats with friends so we are simply getting used to it. Everybody knows that especially us, women, are sensitive and can have changing moods. Period of menstruation was for me the perfect excuse to “stab” someone. In those days especially its seamed natural and socially acceptable. Our hormones are influencing us in those days, aren’t they? So, to feel a bit less of this discomfort, to relax or maybe to mute that voice that reminds me that it has been already for 2 years that I keep arguing with my brother, I used to have a glass of wine every evening.

I was lucky that exactly at the moment that I decided not to be willing to live this kind of life anymore, I became a neighbor of Anna.

Anna and her family were totally different from all the people I knew so far. She was always smiling, kind, at top speed any moment of the day, perfectly organized, but spontaneous at the same time. Always ready to help, but not imposing. It really seemed that whatever she is doing it costs her no effort. Her family was always irradiating peace, unity and joy too. Cheerful, caring eyes of her sons is not really what adolescent boys usually represent.

A kind of shame burns me so I kept safe distance for some time. The only thing I was sure is that Anna was not judging me at all. Thank God for that day, when I finally found courage. Anna became my friend, healer and teacher.  My transformation began.

I am so grateful for every single session I had with her. Already after the first one I felt like an enormous weight is falling off me. My fears started to drift away day by day, leaving empty space for peace and love. I cried a sea of tears while cleaning the wounds of my soul. But Anna led me by the hand like a child. It feels so safe with her. I used to call her Witch but she is more like an Angel. Her energy is so powerful and delicate the same time. Effects of working with Anna already exceeded my expectations and I am still on this fascinating adventure. To work with her is the biggest gift I could ever give to myself. I have travelled halfway around the world and it was fantastic, but to explore and heal my own self, under the loving eye of Anna, became my best life experience. You can get the healing session without even moving from your home, via online video call.

She is a fantastic, inspiring teacher too. Anna can describe this complicated world of energy in a very simple and interesting way. I love to listen to her explanations about chakra’s and crystals. She really wants people to become their own masters. She doesn’t want us to believe her, she wants us to experience what she speaks about.  Another great advantage of Anna is that she is very practical. I got from her several techniques that helps me a lot in my daily life.

I am so truly happy for You my Dear Stranger, that you are here, reading this on this website. I know that Your life will change from now on, just like my does.  Just let Anna to guide You and enjoy.

You are going to radiate it and heal your family and friends too. It is truth, love, health, peace and joy that will surround You.

I wish to all of us to experience how life can be different from what we consider normal.

I wish You a lot of beautiful and touching moments on Your new, fascinating road of developing Your consciousness.

It will be a success, as You are in the best hands.

From the bottom of my open heart,

lichtkracht helderheid in je denken

Gemiddeld 3 Ă  4 keer per jaar boek ik een consult bij Anna voor een energetische behandeling. Met name als het niet meer zo stroomt of dat ik voel dat ik ergens in vastloop. Tijdens de behandeling krijg ik meer inzicht in de patronen waarin ik rond blijf draaien en de oorzaken van mijn blokkades. Ook geeft ze praktische tips. Heel fijn. Na de behandeling voel ik me meestal heerlijk ontspannen, rustig en vaak ook veel lichter en energieker. Ik voel dat ik weer verder kan.