• Sessions

Living in freedom from inner wealth

My treatments raise your energy vibrations and strengthen the connection with your higher self. This inner inexhaustible source contains all information about the purpose of your life here on earth and therefore is your best guide for your  life path. The higher your vibration, the purer and clearer this connection becomes and the more your full potential of qualities and talents can emerge.

You may feel an inner urge to want to contribute to society and unfold yourself to exchange unconditional love. You will shape your life more consciously from inner freedom and fulfillment.

The light forces

at this time

are powerful

for the pearls

in yourself

to bring out.

water fotografie paulien de gaaij

A powerful and pure healing field

Due to my deep earth connection and higher pure attunement to the source, a powerful and pure healing field is created during the session in which profound core level healing is made possible. Healing takes place in alignment with the subtle layers of your soul and your life path.

Your body speaks

From a holistic view, illness originates from a disturbance of the energy field in and around your body. The body functions as an anchor point, where this disturbance is fixed and where it can express itself over time in various disorders and diseases. Since energetic therapy works with this energetic field, it can address a wide range of health complaints, regardless of whether they are more physical, emotional or mental.

A treatment strengthens your vital life force and self-healing capacity.

My treatments aim at placing you in your own strength with a focus on self-reliance and self-motivation.

To give you an idea, here are some examples where energetic therapy can help. Keep in mind that this list is not exhaustive.

In terms of the position within the Dutch healthcare system, energetic treatments (which fall under naturopathy) are supportive and do not replace regular treatments.

In addition to the energetic treatments, it is possible to have your home cleansed from burdensome energies or entities that have a negative influence.

These examples only give an impression of what energetic therapy can help you with. If your question or theme is not listed, please feel free to contact me.

  • ADHD
    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
    Back problems
    Bereavement Processing
    Body awareness, lack of, inability to feel
    Concentration disorders
    Crohn’s disease
    Death counselling
  • Fatigue as a result of, for example, operations / infections / radiation or chemotherapy
    Fatigue, chronic syndrome (ME)
    FibromyalgiaHearing voices
    High sensitivity
    Irritable bowel syndrome
    Knee problems
    Life stage issues
    Medically unexplained physical symptoms (MUPS)
    Meniere’s disease, tinnitus, vertigo
  • Migraine
    Multiple sclerosis (MS)
    Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),
    Residual complaints after illness or surgery
    Sleeping problems
    Strengthen your immune system and overall condition
    Stress release (timely)
    Worrying, persistent
  • ADHD
    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
    Back problems
    Bereavement Processing
    Body awareness, lack of, inability to feel
    Concentration disorders
    Crohn’s disease
    Death counselling
    Fatigue as a result of, for example, operations / infections / radiation or chemotherapy
    Fatigue, chronic syndrome (ME)
    Hearing voices
    High sensitivity
    Irritable bowel syndrome
    Knee problems
    Life stage issues
    Medically unexplained physical symptoms (MUPS)
    Meniere’s disease, tinnitus, vertigo
    Multiple sclerosis (MS)
    Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),
    Residual complaints after illness or surgery
    Sleeping problems
    Strengthen your immune system and overall condition
    Stress release (timely)
    Worrying, persistent

Because of the path I walk myself, I have made this a specialty

During the session I further connect you with who you already are deep inside and, with your permission, I gradually open the layers of your crystalline self, your subtle empathic and sensing abilities, your purity and vulnerability in combination with your strength and your underlying qualities. You are then better able to embrace both your own and your environment’s “positive” and “negative” aspects. By recognising, embracing and being grateful for the positive, no matter how small, more positivity is attracted. By accepting a “negative” energy, it can transform into a better version of itself. Anger, for example, can transform into a very beautiful creative force, instead of working destructively. In this way a “negative” aspect becomes a quality. Gradually you go beyond the judgment of the “right” and the “wrong”. There is room for unconditional love.

Self-knowledge is your key to success

Because you gradually learn how to carry more light force in your body, you will receive support to go beyond your limiting beliefs, attitudes and patterns. You will learn to speak your truth, to better indicate your limits, while keeping your heart open to yourself and others. My role is to guide you in the further opening and grounding of your more subtle layers with higher frequencies. Through this pure radiance you will increase your attraction to others and to situations that synchronise better with your life path. You will create your life more consciously and naturally contribute to a better society for all of us. After all, higher frequencies can transform lower ones.

Boosting your luminosity also sheds light on areas that can hinder you

During my treatments I cleanse your system, to the extent that it is currently appropriate for you.  Your old oppressive (karmic) ties, repetition loops, relational and physical problems, negative astral influences and defence mechanisms can get cleared and restored once you are ready for this experience.

You can then naturally live much more from a subtle gut feeling, a warm involvement combined with a profound awareness besides strength and firmness in your daily life. It brings you peace and tranquility from within and is often the beginning of a deep recovery.

je lichtkracht versterken

Where an energetic treatment can support you

  • Peace of mind

    Creating peace of mind and serenity with less stress and fewer tensions in your body. You will feel more deeply connected with who you are, with more power, more vitality and with more physical flexibility.

  • Pure energy

    Letting go of old ingrained behavior patterns and protection mechanisms. Cleansing and activating your energy system to its origin, including the cleaning of (old) obstructing pieces, karmic load, past lives, inner child aspects, soul parts, in alignment with what is currently appropriate on your life path.

  • Groundedness, strength and freedom

    Being more grounded, so that environmental influences have less of an influence on you. You will remain more stable, calmer, more authentic and you will feel freer to express who you are whilst keeping an open heart for others. Being better equipped to handle the challenges in your life, work and relationships.

  • Trust and passion

    Remaining firmer so that you can act in harmony based on principles of peace and trust. Being able to follow your passion. Putting trust in the events and challenges on your life path, even if the circumstances in your work or relationships might not be optimal at the moment.

  • Flow of life

    Experiencing a self-imposed burden will make way for living from a natural flow. This gives more peace, joy and serenity in daily life. You will experience yourself and life differently.

  • Sensitivity as strength

    Turning your high degree of sensitivity from something that is overwhelming into your strength.

  • Health

    Strengthening your immune system and self-healing capacity.

  • Light Force

    Amplifying your luminosity and increasing your frequency.

    Living from the inexhaustible source within yourself, where you live with your full potential and soul qualities; most people only use a small part of their talent potential!

  • Bliss, purpose and relations

    Remaining more faithful to your true self and deepest feeling in your daily life, work and (love) relationships and in your family situation. Regain joy and a greater purpose in life. Being more independent and yet connected in your (love) relationships.

  • Improved balance

    Living in a better balance with both your feminine and masculine qualities and being able to apply both qualities in daily life, depending on the situation.

Step by step I take you further into your soul embodiment. At the end of the session, I will share practical advice that you can easily apply to your daily life. The above examples are just a few of the many questions and situations that might apply to you. If you have any specific questions or if you wonder whether energetic therapy could support your healing journey, feel free to contact me.

I’d love to meet you!