Complaints procedure

As a registered member of the Dutch profession associations “Association for Advancement of Complementary Medicine”” (VBAG) and “Register of Professionals in Complementary Medicine” (RBCZ), I work in accordance with the regulations that apply to my profession and do my utmost to ensure that the sessions run as smoothly as possible for you. Nevertheless, it is possible that a difference of opinion arises about the decisions that are made or about the way you are treated. In that case you have the option to submit a complaint.

The Healthcare Quality, Complaints and Disputes Act (the Dutch Wet Kwaliteit, Klachten en Geschillen Zorg (Wkkgz)) requires that every independently working care provider (individually or through a professional organization) offers the client a low-threshold, complaints submission procedure by means of an independent complaints officer or mediator. In addition, the care provider must be affiliated with a recognized dispute resolution body.

All therapists affiliated with the Dutch VBAG and RBCZ have an agreement with Quasir, an expertise center for complaints, calamities and disputes in healthcare and welfare, and with Stichting Zorggeschil. Quasir provides an independent complaints officer and Stichting Zorggeschil is responsible for the Zorggeschil dispute institutions.

If something happens during a treatment or something is said that you do not agree with, you should always discuss this with Anna Eek first. You can find more information about complaints via the link

If discussions with Anna do not result in a satisfactory solution, you can submit a complaint at Quasir:

  • by mail: PO Box 1021, 7940 KA Meppel
  • by e-mail:
  • by phone: +31 6-48445538

The complaints procedure is free of charge.

If, despite mediation by the complaints officer, no solution has been reached between the complainant and the therapist, the complaints officer will point out the options for the complainant to submit the dispute, after further processing by the therapist, to the Care Dispute Resolution Body.

A dispute can be submitted to Stichting Zorggeschil:

  • by post: De Meenthe 6, 8471 ZP Wolvega
  • by e-mail:
  • by phone: +31 561 618 711

If it concerns a complaint about the reprehensible or ethical conduct of a therapist, it is also possible to submit this to the Complementary Care Disciplinary Law Foundation (the Dutch Stichting Tuchtrecht Complementaire Zorg (TCZ)). You can only complain to the disciplinary committee about situations that fall under the disciplinary standards (professional codes) within complementary care.